The Outliers Circle

What I wish I knew about PhD Applications

Hey Outliers,

Congratulations to those that have submitted their thesis! To those still burning the midnight oil, we wish you all the best as you cross the last T’s and dot the last I’s.

We recently held a Zoom session with Daniel Ukasoanya (Cambridge University (MPhil), Host Gradsuccessng (PhD Admit ’18), Peter Adesina (Imperial College, PhD student and Commonwealth Scholar) and one of our community contributors, Tosin Adedipe (Cranfield University, Final year PhD student). We summarised the key takeaways in this article for you. 

“My key takeaway was learning about mistakes I had been making, things I need to do, steps I need to take and the importance of timelines. The zoom meeting was timely, I really needed it”

This covered in detail:
– Uncovering your motivation for a PhD degree
– Your application timeline and scheduling
– Choosing a topic of interest and finding a supervisor 
– Targeted Searches 
– Funding
– Accessing publications for proposal writing

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