The Outliers Circle

Taking care of your Physical and Mental Health

Physical and Mental Health

By Esther Osunde


I hope your February has been good and you have been taking caring of your physical and mental health. In this post, we would be giving you tips and ways to ensure you are keeping yourself in good health – physically and mentally. Let’s dive right in!

1. Keep Active

This helps you both physically and mentally. This includes daily exercises and movements that strengthen your body and give energy. Now exercising does not have to be you hitting the gym if that is not what you are about. Walking, riding a bicycle, 20-minute exercises at home all count as well. The key to this is consistency, and ensuring you are keeping that body moving. You can incorporate it into your daily activities such as walking to get groceries instead of taking the bus or driving, taking intermittent exercise breaks and so on.

2. Do not Skimp on sleep

This seems like difficult advice to take being a student with deadlines and assignments, but sleep is very important. It is essential rest for your physical body and for your mind. Sleep the recommended daily hours to keep you feeling refreshed and invigorated, giving your brain much needed rest and ready to tackle the tasks ahead of you.

3. Change up your routine

The monotony of classes- assignments- classes can eventually drain a person and leave them feeling lethargic and unproductive. From time to time change things up to include other aspects of life such as social activities, trying something new, watching something, and so on.

4. Seek help if you need to

Do not be afraid or ashamed to seek help from people that can guide you. It can be professionals like mental health ones, friends, colleagues, and so on. The important thing is you are acknowledging you cannot do it all alone and you are seeking solace.

5. Set achievable goals

Goal setting is very good, but ensure you are setting realistic ones. This is so that you are not berating yourself if you do not cover all or pushing yourself too far to achieve them in the time span you allotted them. Set good goals and celebrate in your own way when you meet these expectations.

These are 5 ways to take care of yourself. All are equally important because your health is important and you should do your best to ensure it remains in good shape. This will increase productivity, boost confidence and keep your mind healthy.

Enjoy the rest of your month and stay safe!


“Eight Ways To Look After Your Mental Health As A Student”. 2022. Birmingham City University. Accessed January 22.

“Maintaining Your Physical Health As A College Student”. 2022. Studentcaf e. Accessed January 22. least,you%20need%20a%20quick%20fix.

“Ten Things You Can Do For Your Mental Health | University Health Service”. 2022. Uhs.Umich.Edu. Accessed January 22.

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash