The Outliers Circle

Making the most of a “Tier 4” Christmas holiday season

It’s unfortunate that the Christmas holiday season can’t be the same as usual this year. I’m sure most of you – like myself – were hoping for some sense of normality this December. Sadly, flights have been cancelled, and for the most part, we’re locked in. 

We’re here to say that you shouldn’t let the blues get to you. Instead, here are 10 things you can do this holiday. 🙂

  1. Join a carol service online (or watch replays. Here’s a link to this year’s Hillsong carol service)
  2. Video call your friends and family
  3. Rest, and ACTUALLY Rest
  4. Take stock of the first semester. Re-evaluate and Re-strategize. Review grades/prepare for exams if need be
  5. For job seekers, as companies have wound down hiring for the year, take time to recharge to get some ‘vim’ for the ramp-up next year. 
  6. Work for some spare change (I personally suggest 3, but it won’t hurt to get some extra change doing stuff online)
  7. Give back – It’s the holiday season. Typically, more people are homeless – especially with the year we’ve had. Donate to charity or volunteer at a soup kitchen/feeding shelter. 
  8. Re-watch old Christmas movies – Home Alone, It’s a wonderful life etc.
  9. Listen to Christmas radio or Christmas dedicated TV stations – MTV Christmas.
  10. Try your hand (such a Nigerian term lol) at some baking, and watch cooking shows. (Lol, I’m biased towards cooking shows)

More important is to take some time to reflect on the positivity of this season. Amidst what can be termed a hard year for humans across board, it’s great to have some hope and joy for a change. Pandemic or not, we’re alive and grateful to have survived the year. 

It also goes without saying that you should obey the social distancing rules in place for your location. I understand that Christmas and New Year can be quite lonely without family, but these are ‘unprecedented’ (I think this word has been overused this year) times. We’re sacrificing now so we can (hopefully) celebrate a proper Christmas in 2021. 

Here’s a list of awesome (i.e tried and tested) Christmas shows on Netflix you can binge watch. A kind person also curated a wonderful Christmas playlist to get you in the celebratory mood. 

My aunt swears by red wine for getting you into the Christmas spirit – I’m not sure I agree, but you’re welcome to test out the theory – ‘It’s Christmas baby!’

Here’s a bonus video. I found it highly enjoyable, I hope you do too. Merry Christmas! 

All my love,