The Outliers Circle

How To Make The Best Use Of Your Christmas As An International Student

I know what is going through your mind right now, how will I cope this Christmas holiday without my family? What am I going to do? I will miss my mum’s home cooked meals and having extended family around. This is usually the case for a lot of international students during the Christmas holiday but yours could be different. I remember my first Christmas holiday, the thought of being alone scared me months before so much that I didn’t think to make any preparations. Until it dawned on me that with or without my family around; it is a special holiday that should be celebrated with love and joy. The Christmas holiday is not just for the Christians, because all over the world this is a holiday that is observed. People use the opportunity to catch up and see loved ones.

Before I mention how you can spend your Christmas holiday, I would like to share how I spent my Christmas holiday as an international student.

My initial intention was to travel down to Glasgow, Scotland to spend the holiday with my uncle and his family but I had spent Easter there. Then I thought London might be a better option as I have a lot of extended family there, but I couldn’t decide on which uncle or aunty to visit and time went by quickly. Now it was a few days to Christmas, and I was left with no plans, no shopping, just my flat mate and I staring at each other and concluding on what a boring holiday we were about to have.

“Hey girl, how are you? I am coming to spend Christmas holiday with you in Manchester” was the call I received from my friend Tosan in Warwick, early hours of the morning a few days before Christmas. Just when my excitement was kicking in, a second friend based in Portsmouth called and said “Tosan said she is coming to Manchester, I am also coming”. As I ran out of my room to inform my flat mate of my two friends coming over for the Christmas holiday, she also informed me she had decided to host a party to invite friends over. Do I really need to complete this story? 😊

Let’s just say, that Christmas holiday remains one of my best Christmas holidays till date.

As an international student, there are so many ways to make use of your Christmas holiday, here are a few:

1. I always say, have a plan. Don’t be like me, I only just got lucky enough to have friends that were willingly to come over.

2. Now you have a plan, so what is your plan? Do you want to work during the holidays because you would get more money as they pay double during this period? Or do you want to go on vacation to a country you have never been before?

3. If your plan is to work, by now you should have applied for temporary jobs that can be both valuable for the experience and bringing in extra cash.

4. As an international student, this might also be the time to get those certifications you have been thinking of doing. Sometimes, getting certifications abroad is a strong advantage than getting it in your home country.

5. Catch up on your hobbies. I am a movie and series junkie, so the Christmas holidays give me enough time to binge watch all my favourite shows I put on hold during school session.

6. Party! Yes, for those that love to host people and throw parties; this is a good opportunity to have friends over, play games and bond over this period.

7. Make plans for the new year. The Christmas holiday is a perfect time to sit back and review the year. All the mistake, the wins and losses. Then make plan for the new year, all you want to accomplish and how to go about it.

8. Just like the Nike slogan “JUST DO IT!”. Whatever you have always wanted to start, attempt,accomplish; give it a go. Start that website, start coding, ask that girl or guy out 😉, call your parents and loved ones.

9. Have a To-do-list this period and make a tick every time to accomplish anything on the list.

I know you are wondering why I would say do a certification or work during the holidays instead of having fun. Well, I have come to understand your idea of fun is totally different from the idea of fun for another person. Some people, making new friends this period is fun for them; for me writing articles and researching is considered as fun for me. So, whatever it is that you want to do, and brings you happiness, just do it. Most of all, enjoy the holiday and make memories. Take pictures and make videos that you can look back and smile over when the heat of the semester starts again.

Merry Christmas in advance and a Happy New Year!

Written by Adefolake Adekola